Sunday, May 06, 2007

New Bike Toy

Both Jen and I have been riding our bikes quite a bit lately. I even rode my bike to work and back (around 35 miles) on Friday. I will probably post about it on my blog, if you are interested.

Jen is always pulling Maddie around in the trailer, so she can go as fast as she wants to. A lot of times we will let Brendan either ride his bike or his motorcycle and go a couple of miles either to parks, or to the video store. The only problem is that Brendan tends to ride a little slow if you want to go a couple of miles or more. So, we ended up buying him a tandem hook-on thing.

It is pretty neat actually. It is very well made. It hooks to the seat post with a quick-release lever, so it is very fast to take on and off. He pedals if he wants to, and it will coast if he doesn't. Here is a pic.

Today we used it to take the kids to a park in Berverly Hills. Jen with the trailer, and bunky and I like this. It was around 6 miles round trip. Brendan pedaled most of the way, and I could even feel him pushing a bit, so I know he was doing some work. I can hear a clicking sound when he coasts, and he mostly did that when I did. It was a pretty easy ride, but Jen still immediately dropped to the ground as soon as we got home : )

She will be posting pics tomorrow of our home improvement project, part II.

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