Saturday, April 05, 2008

Savannah Trip - Wednesday

On Wednesday we packed up our back-packing camp site a hiked our stuff out (Brian again had 2 trips, while I had 1 going with the kids-which is easier?) and drove to Skidaway Island State Park. It has a draw-bridge (very small one) that you have to go over to get to the Island. The only time we saw it up was on our first trip going out there. We set up camp - I will tell you what, that TeePee makes us the most visited people in the whole campground. Normally when you go camping people don't talk to other people too much, we had people coming over and talking with us sometimes even a couple of times. I like that much better. Anyway, after we set up we went to see a Snake Information Program that they had for the campers at the Interpretive Center. The center also had a skeleton of a prehistoric giant beaver, the size of a small elephant easily.
We went out for dinner and got more food for the cooler & car and drove around Skidaway Island a little bit.
Here are some of the pictures from Wednesday:
Our TeePee at the new camp ground.Our camping spot being super close to the playground.At the end of the island by one of the rivers-I think the Wilmington River.

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