Sunday, December 16, 2007

BIG Snow!!!!!

We got LOTS of snow last night. It is hard to tell some places it is around 6 inches, in other places it is about 14 inches or more.

Here is Brendan and Mojo out in the backyard.

Here is Maddie checking out the snow through the front window.

Of course, as soon as I shoveled enough to dig the cars out, we had to go sledding.

Here is the first video of Brendan going down, and then Maddie going down. The sledding hill we go to is straight down on one side, and has two hills on the other. The snow was not packed down enough, because usually with a good shove, Brendan can make it down both hills. Here, he kept getting stuck, and needing a second push.

Poor Maddie.....her first time down I was trying to control her speed a little. Her rope got tangled in my hand, it turned her sideways, and she did a face plant.

Here is one of Maddie making it down without an issue.

And, here is Jen trying not to pop Brendan's sled :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO!! I love it!