Monday, January 18, 2010


Well I have been IMA for a while now. But finally I am back.
We had a slight Laptop crash but no photos were harmed or lost in the process. They are just waiting on our spare backup harddrive for me to find time to get to. Humm, don't see that happening this week.

But I do have photos from when we took the kids to see the Ringling Bros. Circus back in November. The kids had a blast & Brendan got all the gags that the clowns were doing between performers so it was great watching him laugh so hard I thought we was going to fall out of his seat.

Here are some of my favorites:
The motorcycle on the high-wire with the lady underneath.... All the elephants...
Brendan with is cool hat....
Me & Ben...
Daddy with all his kiddie's.....