Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Horseback Riding

Normally, a post like this would go here, but I already posted it here on my blog.

I don't want to re-post, so check there for lots of pictures of the kiddies.


Friday, June 26, 2009

End of June photos

I bought the kids a new slip-n-slide for the summer...
Here is Brendan showing Madelyn how it is done...Maybe not...
Boys are so weird.....
Here is Benjamin at the spray park...
Madelyn didn't like the water getting her hair wet so she hang out with me for most of the time here....
Brendan had a blast being able to shoot people with the water guns & running in the spray...
Madelyn did like going into the giant maze...
Here she is following Brendan around....
Brendan drew a picture for Benjamin...
Here is his art work...
And of course Madelyn can't be out done and drew one too...(she says it says the same as Brendan's does but with her name at the end.)
Close up...
And Brendan had to show it to Ben too. (Madelyn did too but that poor girl is a moose & all I got was Madelyn butt in the photo)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brendan's Last Soccer Game

Brendan did so good during spring soccer this year. We haven't take many photos or video, so I decided of his last game.

Here is his first goal.

Here is his second goal.

A little bit of goalie.

I missed a VERY good goalie play because Maddie was off getting stuck in a tree.

That is all for now. Brendan just went to try-outs for a more advanced skills school. He did very good, so I have no doubts that he will make it.

Ton's of Updates...

Okay you would think that with both Brendan & Madelyn at Vacation Bible School this week for 3 hours a day I would find time to get stuff done. Nope! Oh well. Finally here is a update that covers the last month. (well most of it anyway)

Brendan had his end of the school year picnic at Bacon park the day before school got out and here are some photos from it. I had a cake made by Cindy @ The Lunch Cafe for his class. (each student has their name written on a cone.)The class did a water balloon toss....
Brendan getting some final hugs in from some of his girls...(this one was his favorite this year & Madelyn's too)
Brendan with his teacher Miss Morrison....

On Brendan's soccer game the kids got to get the coach's with water balloon's. That was their favorite thing to do.
We had Father's Day at Papa's house a week before so Daddy could teach his class for the Solar Group. Here are the kids helping papa open his present because you know he can't do it himself. :)

Madelyn with her Ben.
The first Robina Rhapsody concert of the summer. These are put on by my Women's Club.
Brendan has the hula-hoop action going!
Daddy with Ben.
The kids helping daddy put up the teepee at the Great Campout! (we ended up taking it down again at about 7:30 due to rain drops starting to fall) (I do not camp in the rain unless I have too!)
Brendan fishing at the Bacon park!
Here we are on our GEO poker run.
Ben crying. (poor guy, tough life)
Madelyn getting to find out what her cards are.
Her poker hand, she ended up winning two tickets to either of Oakland County's waterparks.
Swimming at Mrs. Barb's house on Father's Day.
Both the kids swam for 2 and 1/2 hours straight!
Ben is his swim suit since I can't take his photo in the pool with out risking the camera.
More to come, stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Weekend Fun!!!

This past weekend we took the kids out on Sunday to Maybury Statepark. To get this gang going we decided to pack a lunch to have at the park. Of course silly Brian has to take it up a notch and make the kids Mac & Cheese instead of just packing sandwiches like we had. Here is his cooking lunch set up:He used our new backpacking pans & plate set so it was very light and easy to do. Now if I can get him to make me lunch....
Here is Madelyn being cute on the tire swing...
This sign just says it all I think. Michigan one of those great places that can turn a Sanatorium into a state park, go figure. I guess that is why I felt right at home here huh? JK.
Our main reason to visit today was to check out the horse stables and riding area that is also housed on part of the park. Since I missed the sign up for tee-ball (again! this year!) we deceided to put Brendan in some sort of horseback riding thing. But of course we aren't interested in the English style with the funny hats & jumping tricks. So this is the one place that I found (well the only place I could fine) that had western style of riding. He is too young for the summer camp this year but old enough to have private lessons. But we wanted him to have a chance to ride before we signed him up. Those horses are pretty big for even me. Both Brendan and Madelyn got a 'pony' ride while we were there. (Pony ride just means walked around the corral.)
Here is Brendan getting ready to start his ride...
Miss Madelyn riding, Brian walked next to her so she wouldn't fall off. Her poor little short legs won't be able to hold her up much.
The photo isn't in great focus but the big smile on her face sayes it all!
And after we went home and had dinner our fun wasn't over! We went and walked to Dairy Queen, and since we walked eating a sundae equals itself out, well at least in Jennifer logic!
Madelyn's icecream face...
Brendan's icecream face...

Some updated photos of Mister Benjamin...he is starting to smile all the time now....
Watching Mojo walk next to him. He loves to watch the dog most.
Showing off his rolly-pollyness. Those poor arms don't have room for any more rolls.